Scientific Program

Scientific ProgramThe scientific program is composed of 5 workpackages.

Apart from a coordination WP (WP0), to implement this project, we  focus on data (WP1): collecting existing ones, simulating and acquiring new data. Data collection and dissemination will be conducted under FAIR principles. Then, the estimation of physiological variables from optic/radar informations will be studied using machine learning on data acquired under controlled conditions (WP2) i.e. using as input tree physiological parameters measured on trees grown in greenhouses under monitored conditions associated with spectral measurements on these trees, and their numerical counterpart in the optical and radar ranges using simulations from DART and EMPRISE respectively. The controlled condition analysis is more suitable to calibrate the set of methods before moving on to the twin experiment on real cities. The application in real cities (WP3) will require the design of innovative super-resolution of S1/S2 data to ensure continuous production (one map every 5 day). Finally, the identification of stress factors and the definition of tree comfort indexes will be designed in WP4, with the identification of urban patterns favorable/unfavorable to trees, in relation with their temporal history. Qualitative data based on VTA method (Visual Tree Assessment) will be used to assess qualitative information. Application in the cities of Rennes and Toulouse with the generation of maps and alert tools will finally be made in WP5. This is summarized in Figure below.